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Hide details for Context menuContext menu
TMDS7W6TMEFixed displaying wrong Context Menu in a right clicking on a misspelled word
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
DCON7VRMTR Fix to use new dynamic timezone on vista/longhorn instead of SetTimeZoneInformation
JPAI823RF9 Fixed an issue with platform stats causing a server hang on shutdown.
GHAN7YYUZ5 Fixed issue where zfs filesystem was not recognized and > 4TB disks was not handled properly.
HNAA7XWEUK Fixed issues that could cause notes.ini to become corrupted/truncated
MHAR7XYFND Fix platform stats to handle when registry entries are not "in order".
NORK7WTPJK Fix dpool overwrite crash due to bad scheduling data.
MKEN7YEKYJ Fix to prevent freeing invalid memory in quikpool code resulting in attempt to lock an invalid semaphore resulting in a crash.
SDSS835MAT Fixed code in an error path that could result in invalid pool free which crashed router.
TSTO7QMN9BFixes for shutdown hangs and crashes on AIX..
NBRR7WYV98 Fixed DST and GMT rules for Windhoek.
ATHS6D5NURPrevent rare Notes Client or Domino Server Crashes that may occurr when two Notes/Domino Processes are racing during initialization and/or...
OFFI7ANMHJ Fixed potential memory corruption caused by a call to IDTableSplit under certain rare circumstances.
Hide details for CSICSI
JEIN863LJAFolder closed log level changed from SEVERE to WARNING because it might have been closed due to failover/failback
RKRY7ZLUQ6While in unread mode, marking a document read by using the Insert key was inefficient due to an extra READ_ENTRIES transaction. This has now been...
Hide details for CSI ActionCSI Action
DCOE863QPAFixed a problem where some of the actions in the action bars of PIM views are showing underscores.
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
LQPG84WSN7Fixed the Notes crash issue in Linux while launching "Start with" dialog in Inbox while SCIM is active. (The Smart Common Input Method platform...
KKIL84QKHTWhen fetching email/contact/calendar information from a database to display in Standard Notes, if it fails, then do not display the meaningless...
RMON7M2JM9Fixed an intermittent "Notes IPC Asynch Message processor (1)" error in Notes Standard when opening a mailfile and building the context...
AWAG874TENFixed an intermittent error thrown by Google overlay.
JJMM84KCSDFixed the "Notes IPC Asynch Message processor(1) has encounter a problem" error when not answering a call from another SUT user.
PANN86WFQACalendar federation will not work for some domains without adding the @domain.
DLAI85KAH6Fixed a Notes crash issue in Linux when Korean IME enabled and hit ESC key.
Hide details for CustomizationCustomization
ESPR7V2BBQFixes a problem where customizers couldn't override styles in StyleSheetDocuments.css or StyleSheetView.css by using the extension forms file. The...


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